illicitizen For Sale

Monday, March 2, 2009

Telltale Signs

That illicitizen has been away...
otherwise there'd be two of these completely full
From 2009 Misc

So yeah, I cleared all the memory on this camera, recharged the battery and promptly left it on the counter when we left for the Winter '09 Mid-Atlantic Micro Tour. But you can tell by the utter emptiness of the recycle bin that we were away for a little while.
2/26 Chapel Hill NC - The Cave. This is getting to be a regular thing with us. We played this with Instant Jones, a wonderful band from Burlington, NC. I encourage you tell your local drinking/music establishment to have them come and play in your town too.
2/27 Washington D.of C. - Surprise Guerrilla House Party. Hey this was supposed to just be a sight-seeing info-gathering but turned into a full fledged bacchanalia house party. We picked up some good leads on playing in WDC and Baltimore. We definitely want to come on back yonder.
2/28 Richmond, VA - The Czar. Wow, amazing space to play. Good crowd. We handed out a bunch of CDs and got the thumbs up to come back so you know we will. Unfortunately the weather and parking conspired against us seeing much of RVA but perhaps next time?

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